Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Can't Sleep...

Ok, so here it is almost 630 in the morning on Wednesday April 28 and I can't sleep. I've been awake since quarter after 4...Mama was having a bad dream and crying out and it woke me up. I laid there till about 530am, and I just could not go back to sleep. So, I got up. That's twice this week that I've woken up around 4 or 5 am and couldn't go back to sleep! Ugh, what is going on with my body clock?

Anyway, since I couldn't sleep, I thought I'd try to catch up on this thing. It's been 2 months since I posted last ( I know shame on me! ) Of course, as most know, tax season ended on April 15th, and I haven't worked since. Granted, since February I have probably sent out about 30 or so resumes, all with no bites. Hmm, wrong bait maybe? I have a killer resume, so I'm not sure what the deal is...anyway, I have a buddy that works for an employment agency and I'm going to send him my resume and see if he can help me out some! Hopefully, I will find something to at least tide me over until next tax season or permanently.

As far as the tax deal goes, they asked me to return next well as interview for a manager position. Guess they liked my work, huh? Ha Ha!

I did enjoy doing the tax job...though, I enjoyed the processing part much more than actually preparing the taxes. There really is much more to a tax position than most realize. It's more than just getting the information from someone, entering it into a computer system and sending it off. Behind the scenes, we're fixing rejects, transmitting, making phone calls, keeping track of who's taxes are waiting for acknowledgments, who's waiting for a check/direct deposit, etc. Kinda tedious (an murder on the cuticles!!) but it's busy work...and I like that. I can't stand to be at work and get paid to do nothing! I get bored way to easily for that sort of thing. Anyway...David (the owner/my manager) asked me to come to the Fall classes (which are more in depth than the rapid class in January). He also wanted me to be level 2 by April 15th, but there was no way! Level 2 certification is TOUGH! I was reading up on it and found that it's best to take the level 2 certification during 2nd year of preparing. I'm thinking..."I'll take it after the fall classes!" I only have 4 chances to pass it...and I'm on chance #4 now...and that's WITH open book! Yeah, so you tell's hard as hell!!

I was told by a few people who are 2nd and 3rd year preparers with David that if he didn't like the work I was doing, I wouldn't have been put on the schedule past first peak...which usually ends around February 15th. So I feel good that he liked what I did...even though I did make some rookie mistakes...but part of that was due to communication issues. David's not exactly the BEST communicator there sometimes it's like pulling teeth or even having to sit down and complete a 5,000 piece jigsaw puzzle before you know what exactly it is he wants you to do. But, I think we can find a way to work that out and get a little better communication going on. I know he's going to have to improve that with me for sure next year! Ha Ha!

Anyway, in bowling news...NO NEWS! Ha Ha! Nothing other than my average is improving...I'm now consistently around 125-140 between 2 leagues. I'm about 95% consistent at bowling above my average, so that makes me feel good. Tuesdays I tend to relax a little more b/c it is a non-sanctioned league and it's a little more laid back. Wednesdays I tend to be a little more focused...though I have found that if I don't think about it, I do better. I got a few tips last season from another bowler and have been using those and they have helped tremendously. This season, on Wednesday nights (if I get there early enough) I have a bowling buddy who is on another Wednesday night league that is helping me out. He's literally making me roll 3 games of practice *BEFORE* league play starts. And so far, it's helped b/c it loosens me up and gets me into the swing of things. I normally don't participate in the 10 minute practice session just before league roll b/c I tend to do much better without it...whether I roll the 3 games earlier or not. Alan is a sweet guy, and I think he's got a teensy weensy crush on me. (And I'm not the only one that sees it either!) He's still a sweetheart though, and I consider him a friend. He's on a rival that has been trying for the last 2 years to get our Wednesday Co-Coed League to "merge" with theirs. But Mama nor I will let that happen! Well, if we can. For one, their dues are $15/week, with an additional $10 at league start up to go into the prize fund. Two, they are way too serious. Our league is a sanctioned league also, however, we still have fun and cut up. Most of the players on the other league are stuck up, snobbish and just too damn serious! I mean, it's pretty bad when the secretary of that league comes to Mama and says that some of her bowlers are having trouble concentrating b/c we're having fun and making too much noise. Ha! Alot of her bowlers aren't that good anyway...I mean, none of them are professionals...and there are just a few scratch bowlers on that league. Shooooooot..I bet our league could beat there league any day if we were to battle! Ha Ha! Go us! Go us!

Next topic: Paisley...yeah she's my baby dog still! Her's a little monkey butt though! We took her a few weeks ago to get groomed...we did a full groom, as we do about twice a know, trim, teeth, bath, nails, etc. We asked them to give her an all over trim...about 1/2 the length she normally is b/c she was shedding so bad. Well, they trimmed her alright...gave her a buzz cut! That's the first time we haven't been extremely happy with Petco's grooming services. However, we're getting used to it, although to watch her walk in front of us now...her little butt waggle is MUCH more pronounced and her little butt is just NEKKID! So wrong! They told us she did fight them a little on the trim, so she has a few patches where they kinda buzzed a little more than anticipated. Three patches on her chest, behind each ear...and of course, her little butt! Other than that though, she looks good. Kinda feels like peach fuzz! She's still super soft, which is awesome! I'll add some photos later, after Mama's gotten up, as the camera is in the bedroom and I don't want to disturb her again (like I did when I got up). Paisley could also be the new Liberty Tax mascot for our store...check it out...

Is that not just precious? Yep, she's mine! He He He!

Well, I think that about sums it up for this update. If I think of anything else, I will add to it...or post new. And I do need to try to update this more often. I'm not going to promise that I will do better, b/c I will for a little while, then I'll slack off again! But I will post the pictures of Paisley's new buzz cut later!

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Since my last post back in December...I have been quite the busy bee!

I saw an ad in the job classifieds and called about it. Turns out, it was for Liberty Tax. So, I thought what the heck...I'll take the rapid tax class and see what happens. Worst thought was I wouldn't get a job, right?

Well, only the best has happened. Not only was I the first one they interviewed to join the Liberty team, but I was also put into training as a processor.

So, not only do I prepare people's taxes for them, I process also. I know most everyone understands what preparers do, but let me explain the processing part of taxes.

The processor is the one that double checks, transmits to the IRS/state, assembles, prints checks, and basically does the behind the scenes work of a tax office. We also handle and correct any errors or rejects that come back to us. So, I'm constantly running around the office, back and forth between assisting customers with preparing their taxes and taking care of everything else. Of course, I'm not the only preparer or processor! There were others hired to prepare and process as well.

Some were hired as reception...which I am thankful that's NOT what I was hired for. Others were hired only as preparers...while a very small handful (me and I think one or 2 others) were hired for preparer/processor. I love it constantly keeps me busy as I always have something to do! Either assisting a customer with their taxes, fixing errors/rejects, assembling, etc.

My boss, aka the owner, told me after the first couple of days that he wanted me on his "A Team" and that's where I'm at. All preparers have to be at least level 1 certified to prepare taxes. Well, I am level 1 right now, but have already been sent my level 2 exam...and have a feeling that I will receive the level 3 exam (which is the highest level for preparers) once I complete level 2. He also has me (the only processor aside from himself and Diana {his mother and main processor}) handling state as well as federal errors.

I also, as he told me last week, have the highest close rate of any of the preparers that work in his 3 locations. That is, for a level 1, first year preparer. I'm sure those that have worked for him before have higher...and, I am also at a good average for time as far as preparing returns. I also have one of the higher returns prepared rates, right now I'm almost at 50...and it's only about 2 weeks into the busy part of the season. I probably do about 5-15 returns each day that I work. Which, is great b/c at the end of the season, there will be a nice little bonus check for me! And, at 3% per return...that will be nice! Right now, I'm already up to about $500 bonus check...provided I calculated right! I always have trouble with that! Ha Ha Ha!

Anyway...David (the owner) has already asked me to return next year and work for him during tax season. I told him that I would. I'm also thinking about asking him about the possibility of working year round for him. All of Liberty's offices are open year round, not just for extensions and amendments, but to offer free tax advice and be there if the customer needs it.

I also have the feeling that he's grooming me to become a supervisor/office manager for the main office...which is the office I work in. Who knows...maybe I have a new career? LOL! Not that I don't want to get back into pharmacy, but there just aren't any RX jobs out there right now. Aside from the hospitals, and I can't work there b/c of my physical limitations!

Anyway, just a short update on where I'm at and what I'm doing. So, if you haven't already done your taxes...come see me at Liberty Tax on Randleman Road...I'm at the one across from BB&T, beside Mrs Winners...the one closest to Vandalia Road. I can make you an appointment and get you in and out quickly...and if you act quick (before Feb 15th), while it's still'll get $50 in your hand when you walk out of the store once we've completed your return!!! So...come on and see me at Liberty Tax...where you can "Have Fun & Get Your Taxes Done!"

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Spirit and Ramblings...

Ok, so just about everyone around me is in the Christmas Spirit. I can't seem to get there 100%. I'm somewhat there, maybe about 45-50%...that's pretty bad when it's only 4 more days till Christmas. It's hard though to get into the spirit and keep it up when those closest to you don't want to participate or can't get into the spirit themselves. What can I do?

And then, there are those that seem to let you down. Those that have made promise after promise and then fall through each time. How long does one let this go on before they sever the ties? Why is it that I am such a forgiving person and tend to look past these slight indiscretions and continue to allow others to "beat up" on me? I feel as if my heart and emotions have been taken advantage of over this past year. By many people. People that I thought I could trust, people I thought cared about me, as I do about them. What is wrong with the world today that people are this way? Why has society deemed it "proper" to indulge people to turn into these cynical and lying individuals who care about noone but themselves? Why does everyone have to expect something in return? Whatever happened to the days of not so long ago when a persons true sincerity and caring were real? Why do people feel the need to "hide" this from others? Why put on the facade of being cold hearted or not caring...then deep down you truly do care? What's the point?

I look at it this way...

If you don't like me b/c of what I wear...don't look at my clothes, look at my personality!
If you don't like me b/c I don't fit a certain "standard"...don't look at my face or body, look at my inner beauty!!
If you don't like me b/c of what I say...don't listen to me, turn and walk away!

To quote a famous sailor..."I Yam What I Yam!". So, take it or leave it. I have so much inner beauty and personality that alot of people don't get to see b/c they go based on first appearances...BEFORE they hear what I say.

And to those of you who think looks are all that matters...THINK DEEPER! I'm not saying looks don't matter, b/c they do matter to a degree. I do want someone that's nice looking to wake up to in the mornings...who wouldn't. But you also have to take into account their personalities, their inner beauty! That's what really shines!

Ok, I'm getting off my soap box now. I've rambled enough and I'm sure you're tired of reading this by now.

So, I am wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Monday, December 14, 2009

"Who Will Help The Widow's Son?"

This is a phrase used in FreeMasonry. It stems back to the story of Hiram Abiff...The Masonic call of distress. The man they admire, Hiram Abiff, supposedly a craftsman for King David, was a widow's son. Any time a Freemason hears this (possibly combined with an arm gesture) they are obliged to assist the Mason in trouble, if it is more likely that they would save him than that they would die.

Let me explain...

Hiram Abiff in Masonic Ritual

During the Legend of the Third Degree, the candidate portrays Hiram Abiff in the ritual. He is blindfolded and led through the ritual by a conductor. In Masonic ritual, Hiram Abiff is not a worker of brass as in Scripture, but rather the Grand Master at the building of Solomon’s temple. Each day, he lays out the work for the workmen to complete. There are Fellowcrafts who work on the temple who are to be given the secrets of a Master Mason as compensation - when the temple is completed. Once they have the secrets of a Master Mason they will earn the wages of a Master. A group of fifteen Fellowcrafts decide that they do not want to wait until the work is completed. They form a plot which only three of them carry through. The three "ruffians" sequentially accost Hiram at the East gate, the South gate and the West gate. A similar dialog occurs at each temple entrance. The ruffian demands the secrets of a Master Mason. Hiram explains that this is neither the time, nor the place; the secrets can only be revealed in the presence of three, King Solomon, Hiram the King of Tyre and myself. The ruffian demands, "Your life, or the secrets." Hiram responds, "My life you can have, my integrity - never." When they fail to get what they want, they strike Hiram with one of the working tools and he staggers to the next gate and the next encounter. The third ruffian is also unable to extract the secrets from Hiram Abiff. He strikes Hiram on the head with a setting maul and kills him. Hiram willingly laid down his life rather than betray his trust.

Being a Masonic "orphan", my mother a Masonic "widow"...I pose this to you...

Who will help the Mason's Widow?

As we all struggle through life, some get pushed aside. Help begins, then fades away. Sometimes, the Mason's widows and orphans slip through the cracks. They are still thought of in prayers and rituals, yet, nothing is done for them. Why is this? Isn't it Masonic oath to take care of the widows and orphans, just as the brethren take care of each other? So why do so many widows and orphans get over looked? Why is it that those widows and orphans that have contributed so much to the Masonic Organization whilst their Masonic husbands/fathers were alive, can not receive the help that they ask for upon the death of the beloved Mason that has passed on?

I can not answer these questions. I have found no-one that will answer these questions. We all struggle through life at times. Some are struggling now, while others are either climbing to their recovery or have yet to even join that struggle. We all know life is not fair sometimes and have to "play with the hand we are dealt". But life is what we make of it. I believe in helping others. I also believe that if you help others, that should be returned to you in your time of need.

So I ask you one more question...

Why is it that when my mother or myself help others out, then we need help ourselves and ask for it, THERE IS NO HELP FOR THE MASON'S WIDOW?

Friday, November 20, 2009

An Addendum...

In yesterday's post I stated we had decided not to have a Thanksgiving dinner.

Well, Mama came home yesterday and sprung on me that she wants to get a small turkey and fix a small dinner for us. I agreed. I think it would be awesome.

We both kind of don't want to miss the turkey, dressing, gravy, etc...especially after watching a program on Food Network the other night called "Dear Food Network: Thanksgiving". It was about the top 10 questions searched on Food Network's website regarding Thanksgiving dinner. The more we watched, the more we both talked and wanted a Thanksgiving dinner.

So, we have decided to have the traditional Thanksgiving dinner after all! We have planned our menu and know what we are fixing so that we can budget the grocery list! Yay us!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Just A Long Rant

So, next week is Thanksgiving...a time for family to come together. This year, Thanksgiving is going to be different for our family.

You see, our family is just me, mama and Paisley now. Since G-dad passed in June, we really don't feel that preparing the traditional Thanksgiving meal is necessary.

This year we have decided to for-go the turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, etc.

Why? Well, we honestly see no reason to spend the money and time for just the 2 of us. It will definitely be a change, but it's a change mama and I have discussed at length.

One thing we actually haven't discussed is if we get invited to someone else's home for Thanksgiving dinner. Personally, to me, it would depend on WHO invites us as to whether I would want to go or not. Maybe I'll breach that bridge this evening with mama and see what her idea is on that.

As for Other things going on right now...

I am still depressed some over my financial, job and health issues. I still need help in all 3 areas, and am still feeling as if the tunnel is still too long and the light still moves away as I slowly make my way through the darkness.

Yes, I am getting some help for my mental health and depression. I am seeing a psychiatrist and he prescribed me Zoloft (which I have been on before for anxiety) for the depression. I've been on that for a little over a week now and I see a little improvement. However, I'm a little concerned b/c I have had some nervousness and nervous energy since I began the Zoloft.

This is something I did NOT experience previously with this medication. I am giving it a chance to "settle" into my system, but in working in pharmacy, I do know that if a medications causes something like this it's usually something that only lasts a few days. Also, a week and a half if plenty of time for a new medication to "settle" into a person's system.

I have a 2 week follow-up next week to see how the med is working. I am going to continue the Zoloft until then. If the nervous activity continues until then, I will mention it then and see what will take place.

On the job front, no one is hiring. I have tried Rite-Aid, Kerr Drug, Walgreens, even some of the other independents and no one is hiring! I do not want to return to CVS, as they do not pay techs as they should be paid. I have not tried Wal*Mart, however, I really do not care for the RX Manager at the one closest to me (as we do not get along...we worked together at CVS before I left). I think I am going to contact Sam's Club or Costco pharmacies and see if they have any openings. I may also try the Wal*Mart on Wendover (though, those 3 are a bit of a far drive for me)

The financial situation ties into the job situation also. Something has got to give somewhere, sometime...and SOON I hope!

Things can only get better, right? They have to! I'm not sure how much longer mama, nor I, can take this! We are fast approaching that infamous "breaking point"!

So anyone that can help, I would appreciate it. If you know of a job opening, let me know, please. Even if it's not pharmacy...I am willing to try (so long as it works physically for me). If you have any advice, I'm listening! Anything would be greatly appreciated!


Friday, November 13, 2009

In 3's... these things happen in 3's...

First, we lost Jeff on the Wednesday night league to sudden death. Now, we get a wake up call this morning to find out another bowler and VERY dear friend to us committed suicide on Wednesday night.

So what's next? Bad stuff always happens in 3's...

This scares me to no end!!!